Holistic Healing Treatments - Acupuncture & Beyond
David's integrative practice combines the ancient healing art of acupuncture with a blend of tailored natural therapies. This multi-modal approach addresses the root causes behind chronic issues, facilitating the body's innate ability to heal itself from the inside out.
David's expertise lies in traditional acupuncture and specialized auricular (ear) acupuncture. By precisely inserting ultra-fine, sterile filaments along the body's energy pathways, he's able to rebalance the flow of chi and facilitate deep healing. Auricular acupuncture provides a targeted technique to rapidly regulate hormone, nerve, and immune function. Read more about David’s acupuncture approach here.
Allergy Elimination (NAET)
NAET is an efficient, non-invasive technique to desensitize the body to allergenic substances. Through a blend of muscle testing and nervous system stimulation, David can steadily reduce your reactivity to allergens like pets, foods, environmental irritants, and more.
Facial / Cosmetic Acupuncture
Unlock a rejuvenated, radiant appearance through cosmetic acupuncture. This non-invasive treatment stimulates acupuncture points and energy pathways to naturally reduce fine lines, tighten skin, minimize puffiness, and enhance your facial contours from the inside out - all without harsh chemicals or prolonged downtime. Read more about David’s approach here.
Micro Needling
David's advanced micro needling technique provides remarkable anti-aging and skin rejuvenation benefits by activating your body's wound healing response. Controlled micro-injuries trigger new collagen and elastin production to diminish wrinkles, acne scars, sun damage, and uneven texture while improving product absorption - all in a gentle procedure requiring no downtime.
An ancient healing technique, cupping involves placing special cups on the skin to create suction and increase blood flow. David's cupping treatments can help relieve muscle tension, reduce inflammation, promote cellular repair, and improve overall circulation. Used alone or alongside other modalities like acupuncture, cupping brings oxygen-rich blood to stagnant areas, facilitating the body's natural healing processes.
Gua Sha
Gua Sha is a traditional East Asian practice that uses a specialized tool to apply pressure and scrape along the skin's surface. This careful therapeutic massage technique helps relieve muscle pain, tension, and tightness while increasing circulation and metabolic cell repair. Gua Sha can reduce inflammation, improve blood flow, and even temporarily raise minor skin rashes allowing the body to expel toxins and rebalance itself.
Guided Detoxification
Over time, toxic exposures from our air, homes, and food sources overload our bodies. While crucial, improper or rushed detoxing can lead to strong, and often uncomfortable, healing reactions. David guides you through a gentle, continual detoxification process tailored to your body's unique needs for safe, effective toxin elimination.
Personalized Functional Nutrition
Using advanced testing, David evaluates your precise biochemical and energetic imbalances to develop a personalized, therapeutic nutrition protocol. His whole food-based supplements facilitate better absorption and assimilation without unnecessary fillers. David optimizes your supplementation for impactful yet manageable change.
Neuro Emotional Technique
Unresolved emotional stressors can remain trapped in the body's cells, perpetuating physical ailments. With NET, David identifies and helps discharge stored negative emotions at their neurological roots, releasing both physical and emotional tension patterns.
Biofield Testing and Morphogenic Field Technique
Also known as Morphogenic Field Technique, Biofield Testing allows David to analyze your body's energetic patterning and reactivity profiles. By measuring these fields, he can pinpoint areas of deficiency or excess and develop a tailored plan to restore balance and flow.
Quantum Neurology
Since nerves regulate all bodily functions, properly evaluating and rehabilitating the nervous system is key. Quantum Neurology allows David to reset neurological communication pathways, improving nerve flow to eliminate symptoms and restore optimal functioning.
Fitness and Nutrition Guidance
While genetics play a role, the latest research shows our nutrition and lifestyle choices are paramount for long-term wellbeing. Rather than extreme, one-size-fits-all programs, David coaches you in sustainable fitness and dietary approaches attuned to your unique mind-body constitution.